Alison's Mancala Game

Objective: Collect more pieces than your opponent.

  1. Begin by selecting any pocket on your side.
  2. Moving counterclockwise, you will distribute the pieces one by one around the board until the pieces run out.
  3. If you run into your own Mancala (larger pockets on either side), drop one piece in it. You go again when your last piece lands in your Mancala.
  4. Skip your opponent's Mancala.
  5. If the last piece you drop is in an empty pocket on your side, capture that piece and any pieces in the pocket directly opposite.
  6. The game ends when all six pockets on one side of the Mancala board are empty. If your side of the board has stones remaining, collect them.
  7. Practice your victory dance and count the number of pieces in each Mancala to determine who won.